Wheats of the World
1. Polish Wheat - A tall wheat originally from the Mediterranean area and preferring a warm climate. Spikes with long papery bracts and long seeds.
2. Persian Wheat - A flexible stemmed wheat inclined to fall over. Grown in some parts of Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
3. Rivet or Cone Wheat - Mainly grown in Spain, Southern France and Italy. Similar to a poor quality Durum wheat and unsuitable for baking purposes.
4. Oriental Wheat - Grown in parts of the Middle East and Central Asia. Narrow hairy leaves, often has black awns.
5. Indian Shot Wheat - A wheat with short stiff stems and small, almost round grains. Grown in Northwest India and Iran.
6. Vavilovi Wheat - A rare spelt-type wheat grown in Armenia. The spikes are unusual as they may be branched.
7. Club Wheat - A wheat with stiff stems, compact spikes and small grains. Grown in Abysinia and Turkestan and parts of Austria and Switzerland.
8. Macha Wheat - A variable spelt-type wheat discovered in 1929 growing in West Georgia and the Caucasus.
9. Bread Wheat - The most commonly grown wheat, grown in temperate areas throughout the world.
10. Spelt or Dinkel - A tall wheat with hard shelled grain, not threshing free. Small quantities are now grown for health products, especially in Germany. Shorter varieties are now grown commercially and contain reduced-height genes.